Given is a column chart, which clearly illustrates the striking contrasts in the part time job by college students in a certain University. Overall ,senior have the largest proportion of part-time jobs,with 88%. Then,the next are juniors and sophomores,at 71.93% and 71.13% respectively. Finally come freshman ,with 67.77%.
Such data, apparently, can be associated with the popularity of spare-time jobs among youngsters in college, but what result in this phenomenon? For one thing, college life is characterized by two long vacations--summer and winter vacations, which enable students in college to have adequate spare time to broaden their horizons and gain additional fund by doing part-time jobs. For another, compared with students in lower grades, senior possess richer professional knowledge, greater demand for work experience and less courses. So a large percentage of them take part-time job.
As a adult student, I deem that it is advisable for us to do part-time jobs, which can bring us a opportunity to know the society, inspire our passion for life and help us release our financial burden.