


Awesome.similar to ‘amazing’; landscapes(strong admiration or wonder for something).

The fireworks display was awesome, lighting up the night sky. 

He has an awesome collection of vintage cars. 

Their trip to the Grand Canyon was an awesome experience. 

The team's victory was awesome, celebrated by everyone. 

Her performance on stage was awesome, leaving the audience in awe.

Impressive (strong impression due to quality or size). 

The artist’s latest sculpture is truly impressive. 

Her academic achievements are very impressive. 

The athlete’s endurance during the marathon was impressive. 

The company’s growth over the past year has been impressive. 

The castle’s architecture is impressive and dates back to the 14th century.

Amazing (awesome).The view from the mountaintop was amazing. 

She did an amazing job organizing the event. 

The technology behind the new smartphone is amazing. 

They had an amazing time on their trip to Japan.His ability to solve complex problems is amazing.

Remarkable (worth noticing or remarking because of being unusual or outstanding). 

The scientist made a remarkable discovery that could change medicine. 

Her recovery after the surgery was remarkable. 

The ancient ruins are a remarkable sight. 

He has a remarkable talent for playing the piano. 

The athlete's comeback after the injury was remarkable.

Majestic (regal or awe-inspiring beauty; landscapes, historic buildings, things that evoke a sense of majesty). 

The majestic mountains took their breath away. 

The eagle flew in a majestic arc across the sky. 

The palace’s majestic architecture attracted thousands of tourists. 

The majestic beauty of the forest is unparalleled. 

The majestic performance by the orchestra left the audience in awe.

Wonderful (something extremely good or pleasing).

The cake you baked is wonderful. 

We had a wonderful time at the beach. 

She’s a wonderful friend who always listens. 

The book had a wonderful ending that made me cry. 

His wonderful sense of humor brightens everyone’s day.

