


Amazing. people, events,sceneries; impressive. 

The view from the mountain top was absolutely amazing. 

She did an amazing job on the project, impressing everyone. 

His recovery afterthe surgery was simply amazing. 

The children found the magic show amazing andfull of wonder. 

Her talent for painting is truly amazing, capturing the beautyof nature.

Astonishing (). The magician'sastonishing tricks left the audience speechless. 

She has an astonishing abilityto remember faces. 

The progress in medical research over the past decade istruly astonishing. 

The child’s astonishing intelligence amazed everyone at thescience fair. 

The new skyscraper’s design is both astonishing and innovative.

Incredible (). The athlete’sperformance was incredible; he broke the world record. 

They had an incrediblejourney across the mountains. 

Her story about surviving in the wilderness wasincredible. 

The view from the top of the hill was absolutely incredible. 

Theconcert was incredible, with amazing light shows and sound effects.

Marvelous (delightful,extraordinary, a bit formal, impressive, positive). 

The chef prepared amarvelous feast for the guests. She had a marvelous time at the gala event. 

Themuseum's new exhibit is simply marvelous. 

He received marvelous support from hiscolleagues during the project. 

The sunset over the ocean was a marvelous sightto behold.

Wonderful (admiration anddelight). They had a wonderful vacation in the Caribbean. 

She receivedwonderful news about her scholarship. 

The team did a wonderful job on theproject. 

The children's choir gave a wonderful performance. 

He has a wonderfulsense of humor that always cheers people up.

Fantastic (enthusiasm oradmiration for something). 

The fireworks display was fantastic and lit up theentire sky. 

She had a fantastic idea for the new marketing campaign. 

Theyenjoyed a fantastic meal at the new restaurant. 

The movie received fantastic reviewsfrom critics. 

He gave a fantastic presentation at the conference.

