The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence


大型语言模型(LLM) 正在经历一场转型,因为它需要克服训练和运行成本不断攀升的挑战。尽管 Nvidia 目前主导着 AI 芯片市场,但其他公司正在开发专门的芯片,以提高效率。软件开发人员正在转向 更小、更专门的模型,而不是依赖于蛮力计算。这些趋势正在重塑竞争格局,导致 更多竞争对手 涌现,并且投资者需要重新评估他们在领导者身上押注的风险。为了保持领先地位,美国需要吸引和留住顶尖研究人员,而不是试图限制竞争对手。关注公号:NewBytes,查阅正文。

Large language models (LLMs) are undergoing a transformation as they need to overcome the challenges of rising training and operating costs. Although Nvidia currently dominates the AI chip market, other companies are developing specialized chips to improve efficiency. Software developers are turning to smaller and more specialized models instead of relying on brute-force computing. These trends are reshaping the competitive landscape, leading to the emergence of more competitors, and investors need to reevaluate the risks of their bets on leaders. To maintain a leading position, the United States needs to attract and retain top researchers rather than trying to limit competitors.

