E56 赶考:秋闱初胜,拜谒文宗

E56 赶考:秋闱初胜,拜谒文宗

E56 赶考:秋闱初胜,拜谒文宗




In May of 1056 the three Sus arrived at the capital and put up at a Buddhist temple, awaiting the tests that were to come in the autumn.

These were the preliminary tests given by the ministry of education selecting candidates for the spring examinations to be held under the personal supervision of the emperor. Of the forty-five candidates from Meichow, both brothers were among the successful thirteen.

Having nothing more to do than to wait for the palace examinations in spring, the father and sons stayed to look over the city and get an introduction to society.

Su Shün now submitted his works to Ouyang Shiu, the highly respected and loved leader of the scholar class.

The genial-mannered Ouyang Shiu had unusually white long ears and a short upper lip which revealed his gums when he laughed.

He was not particularly handsome to look at, but to meet this dean of letters and receive his favor was the dream of all aspiring scholars.

Ouyang Shiu had won the love of the literati because he had always regarded it as his duty to discover and encourage young talent.

He received Su Shün cordially, and through him Su senior was invited to privy councilor Han Chi's home and introduced to the high-ranking officials.

But with his aloof and somewhat self-important manner, Su Shün failed to make a good impression on the government leaders.
