



在昨日的博客里,我们初步认识了the Academy Awards所有奖项的名字.   所以外媒对奥斯卡颁奖这种big event, 经济学人的报道是我最期待的。独具一种从不云淡风轻的孤僻气质,大爱。我从中选了三段目前认为最位辛辣的内容,share with you

In general the event proceeded asswiftly and smoothly as a factory production line. 总的来讲颁奖典礼进行迅速而顺利,就像工厂生产线一样。



The results of the behind-the-scenes categories werejust as predictable. (这里:*behind-the-scenes固定短语,在电影戏剧创作中,指在幕后。Predictable可预测的)

Not even Hollywood would have been cruel enough togive the award for best adapted screenplay to anyone but James Ivory for his“Call Me By Your Name” script: he is 89, after all. (即使是好莱坞也不会残忍到不把最佳改编剧本奖颁给年岁已经89岁的james ivory了)

Similarly, how could the Academy not have given thecinematography Oscar to Roger Deakins for “Blade Runner 2049”《银翼杀手2049,considering that this was the 14th time he had been nominated, without aprevious win? (同样的,最佳电影摄影奖怎么会再不颁给rogerdeakins呢?人家已经做了13次的nominees,眼见着第14次被nominated,不给个机会?)


2. 变性人主题的电影获奖,以及最佳原创编剧的第一位黑人得主。下面一段是经济学人的描述:

It was significant that the award for the bestforeign-language film was won by “A Fantastic Woman”, a Chilean drama about atrans woman, starring a trans woman. [it issignificant的意思是 什么现象很能说明问题。这里讲了最佳外语片奖给了由变性人主演且讲述变性人故事的《普通女人》。英语表达上可以留意两点。一个是变性人的表达trans man or trans woman。还有就是a moviestarring sb.由某人主演的电影 ]接下来一句话:

And it was heartening to see Jordan Peele collect thebest original screenplay award for his anti-racism horror-satire, “Get Out”,thus enshrining him as the first black winner of that prize.[Jordan peele获得了最佳原创剧本奖还是很令人振奋的,他也因这部讲述反对种族歧视的恐怖讽刺作品,成为历史上获得该奖项的第一位黑人得主,会被因此被铭记。Enshrine这个词的拼写是,是一个很正式的词汇,在字典里解释为to officially record something such as an idea or principle in adocument so that it cannot be ignored把什么计入文件中的意思]


It’s understandable that, in the wakeof 随着the Weinstein scandal好莱坞大亨哈维温斯坦30年性丑闻曝光, the ceremony’s organisers wanted to repair some ofthe damage done to their industry’s reputation. But the Academy isn’tpractising everything it preaches实践的可远没有倡导的好.


There may have been a utopian乌托邦 range of presenters on the stage,but they handed the main prizes to a male director, male screenwriters, a malecomposer, a male cinematographer, a male editor, a male costume designer, andso on. Over all, there were six female winners on the night, and 33 malewinners, which means that, basically, men won everything they possibly could,and that the female nominees被提名者 didn’t get to stand up until MsMcDormand insisted that they do so during her rabble-rousing 煽动民心的speech.

这段话的大意是 除了最佳女主获奖者,其余大奖的获奖人都是男性。哪怕主持人嘉宾看起来男女比例那么的完美。33位男性获奖得主,女性获奖人仅有6位。最佳女主演弗兰西斯 麦克多蒙德在她煽动性极强的发言里,坚持让所有被提名的女性和她一样站起来stand up

啊,再一次的被frances mcdormand的人格魅力所感染。

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