Vol47.口语听力训练Emotional responsibility(附文本)

Vol47.口语听力训练Emotional responsibility(附文本)


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Samuel, you are here. Why didn't you go down for lunch?

I am not hungry. I am not going to eat today. I don't feel like eating or anything else.

You're not hungry? That's not common. Tell me, son, what happened?

Nothing happened. I'm fine, Dad. I just want to be alone, that's all.

Okay, okay. I will leave you alone, but if you need someone to talk to, count on me.

Wait, Dad. I need to ask you, did you and Mom fight a lot when you were dating?

Are you serious? Of course we fought when we were dating. It's something normal. But why do you ask? Don't tell me you fought with your girlfriend again, Samuel.

Yes, we did, and this time I think she's really upset with me. I don't know what to do.

Oh, my son. But why? What happened? Tell your dad.

Well, she says I don't care about her feelings and that I'm not empathic. Is that true, Dad?

Well, I don't know, but we all make mistakes when we are young. That's the truth. She says I have no emotional responsibility. What the hell does that mean?

Oh, I see. Emotional responsibility means understanding and managing your own emotions. It involves recognizing how your feelings and actions affect yourself and others. Being emotionally responsible helps you build healthy relationships and handle conflicts better. By practicing emotional responsibility, you create a positive and supportive environment for yourself and those around you. And of course, that includes your girlfriend. That's what emotional responsibility means, son.

I see. And what can I do, Dad? I don't want to lose her. Help me, please.

Let's see. To start, you need to be self-aware. To be emotionally responsible, start by being self-aware. Pay attention to your emotions and how you react in different situations. Notice what triggers your feelings, whether it's anger, happiness, or sadness. Understanding why you feel a certain way helps you manage your emotions better. For example, if you feel angry when someone interrupts you, recognizing this can help you find ways to stay calm and manage the situation better.

Show empathy. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Try to put yourself in other people's shoes and see things from their perspective. When someone is sharing their emotions with you, listen carefully and show that you care. Do you think it's difficult? No, this can be as simple as saying, "I understand how you feel." Empathy helps build stronger relationships and shows that you value others' feelings.

Practice self-control. Self-control is key to emotional responsibility. When you feel strong emotions like anger or frustration, take a moment to pause and breathe deeply. This helps you think before you act or speak. For instance, if you are upset with a friend, take a few moments to calm down before talking to them. This way, you can communicate your feelings calmly and avoid saying something hurtful in the heat of the moment. It is very important.

