Luxury brands are quietly slashing the prices of designer bags after getting ideas above their station.
Brands including Burberry and Yves Saint Laurent have spent years ramping up the cost of their sought-after accessories in a bid to improve their cachet.
But spending by consumers has plummeted since the pandemic as customers have tightened their belts. And luxury brands have been nervously watching moves by cheaper rivals to scoop up customers they have alienated.
1. slash /slæʃ/ v. (本文)大大降低,大幅度削减; 砍,劈
2. have/get ideas above one's station 抱有超越社会阶层的想法
· station n. 社会阶层(social class)
3. sought-after /ˈsɔːt ɑːftə/ adj. 备受追捧的,紧俏的
· seek after 追求
4. ramp up 有序、缓慢地增加/增强
5. cachet /ˈkæʃeɪ, kæˈʃeɪ/ n. 威信,声望
6. tighten one's belts 缩减用度,省吃俭用
7. scoop up 挖走
scoop v. (用勺子)舀;(用铲子)挖
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