① 高翥: 宋孝宗时的进士。《千家诗》注说:“言清明之时,纷纷然祭扫于南山北头。纸灰飘白,如蝴蝶之飞;泪洒郊原,若杜鹃之血。日落而狐兔穿眠于冢上,祭扫回家,儿女欢笑于灯前,竟忘死者长眠于冢矣。则纸灰血泪,有何益哉!人生于世,遇酒则宜痛饮,莫待死时空眠孤冢,三牲五鼎,虽一滴之酒,安能到于九泉之下哉!”前一首《清明》说无论贤愚都有一死;这一首更说应该及时行乐。 ② 纷然: 形容纷杂忙乱的样子。 ③ 纸灰:冥钱烧成的灰烬。 ④ 九泉:黄泉,阴间。
The Mourning Day Gao Zhu There’re many graveyards in northern and southern hill; On Mourning Day the mourners come and weep their fill. Burnt paper money flies as white as butterflies; The bloodlike tears are shed and dye azeleas red. At sunset foxes come back to lie there at night; At home the mourners would laugh by the candlelight. While he is alive, a man should in wine be drowned. When dead, could he drink a drop of wine underground?