①欧阳修:唐宋八大家之一。《千家诗》注说:“此思友人谪居边城小邑,因其寄赠而答诗以慰之也。首联言二月无花,疑春风不到边城也。二联言桔经雪而实犹存,冻雷惊笋而萌芽欲出。三联言其闻雁而思乡,因病而感物,何其悲也。末联乃慰之曰:吾与尔曾仕洛京,同为洛阳花下之客,多历春光;今虽暂谪山城,荒春野径,芳菲虽晚,复何叹哉!”这首诗写出了患难中的友情。 ② 天涯:指位于天涯海角的偏远之地。 ③ 山城:指作者的贬居之地夷陵。 ④ 冻雷:春雷。 ⑤物华:指美丽的景物。 ⑥洛阳花下客:指作者曾经在洛阳做官,赏玩过那里的牡丹花。 ⑦野芳:野花。 ⑧ 嗟: 感叹,叹息。
Reply to a Banished Friend Ouyang Xiu I am afraid the vernal wind here will not blow; In second moon no hillside flowers have come out. But oranges grow on trees bowed with lingering snow, And bamboo shoots startled by frozen thunder sprout. I am homesick to hear homing wild geese at night; Though in poor health, I feel the reviving new year. We had our days in capital of flowers bright. Why should we lament when wild blossoms come late here?