Vol13.口语听力训练my first girlfriend(附文本)

Vol13.口语听力训练my first girlfriend(附文本)


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Alright son, I'm here. You told me you wanted to talk to me.

Yes Dad, I'm sorry to bother you. I know you have to go to work.

What are you talking about? You are my son. I will always have time for you. Now tell me, what do you want to talk about with me? I'm sure it's important.

Well, nothing serious. In fact, I feel a little ashamed. I don't know whether to tell you.

Oh come on, whatever it is, I want to hear it. Okay, just tell me.

Well, um, thank you. Um, there is someone in the school. It is a girl, right? That's what you want to tell me. You want to tell me that you have a girlfriend?

No, I mean not yet. There is a girl I like a lot, but she's not my girlfriend. She's my friend. Her name is Anna. She's so beautiful. I like her a lot.

Oh, I see. Then what is the problem? Tell her that you like her. I know you're not a child anymore. You're a teenager. It is normal you like girls. If you're asking for my permission, you have my complete trust. Just bring her home when she's your girlfriend. I am sure your mother would like to know her and of course, me too.

My son, that is the problem. I like her a lot and I want her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know. I don't know how to tell her that I like her. It's the first time I will do something like that. I don't know if she feels as I do. Maybe she doesn't like me. What can I do?

Alright, I understand. Don't worry, I will help you, my son. Telling a girl you like her sounds simple, but actually doing it can be nerve-cracking. I will tell you a few ways you can express your emotions to see if she likes you back. Like to drop some hints, give her a few compliments. Yeah, give her a few compliments about her outfit or her nice laugh. It really works. Tell her about a pretty flower you saw that made you think of her at the park today. If you give enough hints as to how you're feeling, she'll be better prepared for when you tell her you like her. You can try saying something things like "I saw a gorgeous rose on my walk earlier today. It made me think of you." or "You have the best smile I've ever seen." Try to pay attention to how she reacts to these compliments.

