

The Wisdom of Non-Effort (4)
By Leo Babauta

How to Practice Non-Effort

The first step is to notice when you’re efforting. This isn’t necessarily bad or wrong, but you might just notice how much effort, tenseness, pushing you’re experiencing. What fear is driving this? Could you just be with the experience of the fear?

Next, pause, breathe for a moment, and relax your body. Let yourself open in the moment, to whatever is there: your emotions, your fears that you’re behind, your thoughts, your wanting to get this done and over with, the birds chirping in the distance.

Then see what might emerge from the place of non-effort. When you’re relaxed, breathing deeper, still … trust that something will emerge. An idea, some clarity, a choosing from the heart, something you’re being called towards.

Then trust that. Let it emerge and unfold. You might take action from there, but let it be action from a relaxed but devoted place.
