post-Christmas blues 圣诞综合症
post-holiday syndrome 节日综合症
post-travel depression 旅行综合症
post-party blues 聚会综合症
symptom 症状
sleep in/late 睡懒觉
stay up late 熬夜, 晚睡
lose your appetite 食欲不振
feel empty 感觉空虚无味
early to bed 早睡
early to rise 早起
meditate 冥想
exercise 运动
make a to-do list 列个待办清单
eat away your blues “吃掉”忧郁
go on a fast 断食
Are you still up? 你还没睡吗?
I have no motivation to do anything. 我做事没动力, 什么都不想干。
Another well known method of curing post vacation blues is to plan or book the next vacation, this offers a distraction and also provides the person something to look forward to. 另一个广为所知的治愈节后综合症的方法是为下一个假期做计划,这样可以帮助分散注意力,并让人有所期待。