


1. What is the man busy with?
  A. A visit.                B. A project.            C. A video.
2. What do the speakers plan to do tomorrow?
A. Go camping.             B. Do some shopping.     C. Find a blanket.
3. Where are the speakers going to?
A. A station.             B. Another country.     C. Their hometown.
4. What does the woman think of Jimmy?
A. Silent.                 B. Caring.            C. Hard-working.
5. What are the speakers talking about?
A. The new laws.         B. A healthy lifestyle.     C. Profitable industries.


6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Mother and son.         B. Brother and sister.     C. Husband and wife.
7. Why does Bart apologize?
A. For missing a chance.     B. For being late.         C. For doing Lisa a damage.

8. Who is the woman expressing thanks to?
A. The man.             B. The fans.           C. The sponsor.
9. What is probably the woman?
A. An online celebrity.      B. A travel enthusiast.     C. A magazine editor.

10. What does the man want to do?
A. Go fishing.             B. Go shopping.         C. Go sightseeing.
11. Where will the space rocket be launched?
A. In Texas.             B. In Florida.            C. In Nevada.
12. What does the speakers plan to do on Sunday?
A. Set off early.             B. Rest in a hotel.         C. See the launch.
13. How does the girl probably feel about the trip?
A. Excited.             B. Bored.             C. Confused.

14. When did the man come to the UK?
A. 3 years ago.             B. 4 years ago.             C. 5 years ago.
15. How does the man run his business at its beginning?
A. By hiring many staff.     B. By serving the tables.        C. By working with his wife.
16. Where does the man advertise his business?
  A. On TV.              B. In shopping centers.        C. On radio and newspapers.
17. What contributes to the man’s success?
A. The food price.         B. The dining atmosphere.     C. The restaurant location.

18. What is the Geocaching?
A. A treasure hunt.         B. A GPS device.             C. A fitness coach.
19. What do we know about the boxes?
A. They are controlled remotely.
B. They contain varieties of goods.
C. They are placed in the neighborhood.
20. How does Geocaching benefit the kids?
A. It develops their social skills.    
B. It exposes them to traditions.    
C. It makes them willing to walk.

 1-5 BABCA 6-10 BCBAA  11-15 BCACC   16-20 CBABC

Text 1
W: Have you finished the project for the new student centre?
M: Just this morning, I’ve worked throughout the whole week. You know the building opens tomorrow.

Text 2
W: All right we have tents, sleeping bags, and just everything you might need for camping tomorrow.
M: I don’t think so. I can’t find my blanket. And we need to buy more bottled water and snacks.

Text 3
W: So we’re getting everything ready, we’re traveling with our little girl.
M: Yeah, we’re so excited but also a bit nervous.
W: Yeah, it’s our first time flying internationally with a baby.

Text 4
M: Jimmy says he’s not doing well in his biology. Maybe, he needs to work harder.
W: But he has spent a lot of time in the lab and library already.
M: Then what’s the problem? He is such a quiet boy and seldom talks with me.

Text 5
M: I have to say I find the new laws on environmental pollution too strict.
W: Well, they are for everyone’s health.
M: But some industries cannot make a profit.

Text 6
W: Just tell me you’re sorry!
M: Why should I?
W: Bart, the only reason to apologize is if you look deep down inside yourself and find a spot, something you wish wasn't there, because you will feel bad that you hurt your sister’s feeling.
M: Leave me alone.
W: Just look!
M: Okay, okay. Looking deep inside for the spot. Still checking. This is so stupid. I'm not gonna find anything, just because I broke something you worked hard at and made you... Oh... I'm sorry, Lisa.
W: Apology accepted.

Text 7
W: I hit 1 million subscribers here in Bilibili. Oh...happy!
M: Really?
W: Yeah. There’s no word for how I’m feeling right now. I just feel extremely grateful and happy and in disbelief.
M: Is that in your plan?
W: I never thought that any day I would reach 1 million subscribers on any platform without any sponsor. Bilibili is by far my first platform to do so, and I just want to give all my subscribers a virtual hug.
M: Congratulations!

Text 8
M: Listen, I don’t have to work this weekend. I was wondering if you wanted to do something together.
W: Like what?
M: Whatever you want.
W: How about a trip to the shopping mall?
M: Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of something a little more active. Like last year, we went fishing in Nevada…
W: Don’t try to make me go fishing, please! I hate it.
M: No, no, it’s okay. We’re not going fishing.
W: All right, good.
M: Just think about it, and we’ll do whatever you want.
W: There is the launching of the space rocket this weekend.
M: Space rocket? Don’t they do those out of Florida?
W: Exactly.
M: Honey, we’re in Texas. That’s like a 15-hour drive.
W: I understand. Never mind.
M: You know what? Let’s do it.
W: It’ll be fun.
M: Then we’ll leave first thing Saturday morning, stay the night in a hotel, and see the launch bright and early on Sunday.
W: Wow! I can’t believe we’re going to see an actual working spacecraft!

Text 9
W: Good evening and welcome to this week’s Business World. Tonight we have Mr. Angeleno who came to the UK 5 years ago, and now is an established businessman with 4 restaurants in town. So, Mr. Angeleno, how did you get started?
M: Well, I started off with a small diner. I did all the cooking by myself, and my wife served the tables. It was really too much work for two people. My cooking is great, so gradually people around the town know the food. In a year, I had to hire another cook and several waiters. When the restaurant became very busy, I decided to expand my business.
W: Then do you advertise?
M: Oh yes. I don’t have any TV commercials, because they are too expensive. But we used to distribute ads in nearby shopping centres, but now I advertise a lot on radio and local newspapers.
W: What do you think makes you so successful?
M: I always serve the freshest food and I make the atmosphere as comfortable and as pleasant as I can, so that my customers will want to come back.
W: So you always aim to please the customers?
M: Absolutely!
W: Thank you, Mr. Angeleno. I think your advice will be helpful to those who just started out in business.

Text 10
    Geo-caching is a great way to add interest to any walk. Turning a walk into an adventure is great, and turning it into a treasure hunt is even better.
    Geocaching involves using your GPS or smartphone to track down one of tens of thousands of secret treasures that have been planted all around the country. Those who know the treasures hide the treasure box and leave clues in the form of mapping so that anyone with a GPS device or smartphone loaded with the Geocaching app can seek it out.
    To the finder's usual delight, most treasure boxes come stuffed with various surprises, such as latest novels, toys or dolls. These boxes are hidden almost everywhere. It will come as no surprise to discover that they're widely hidden in woodland, farmland, and along the coast. But we've also found them in supermarket, car parks, in woods at the residence, and in community gardens.
Finding treasure boxes firstly gives kids a reason to go for a walk, and also teaches them micro skills of finding their way around, both digital and traditional.

