47 香港

47 香港

>> 47 香港
香港位于中国东南沿海的珠江三角洲(Pearl River Delta)东侧,南边面对南中国海,北边与广东省接壤。香港包括香港岛、九龙半岛(Kowloon Peninsula)、新界(the New Territories)与离岛(the Outlying Islands)四大部分,总面积约为1 070平方公里。香港是繁华的国际大都市(cosmopolitan city),是仅次于伦敦和纽约的全球第三大金融中心。在香港,你既可以观赏到美丽的自然风光,又可以感受到商业文明带来的种种便利。世界级的建筑、快节奏的生活、时尚摩登的娱乐享受,都显示出这座城市的巨大魅力。

>> Hong Kong
Hong Kong is on the east of the Pearl River Delta of the southeastern coast of China, facing the South China Sea in the south and bordering Guangdong Province in the north. Hong Kong consists of four main parts: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, the New Territories and the Outlying Islands, with an area of about 1,070 square kilometers. Hong Kong is a prosperous cosmopolitan city, and the third largest world financial center only ranks next to London and New York. In Hong Kong, you will not only appreciate beautiful natural scenery but also enjoy various conveniences brought by commercial civilization. World-class buildings, fast pace of life and fashionable and modern entertainments all demonstrate the immense charm of this city.
