


As soon as she realized that the fan was making her shrink, she dropped it to the ground. She dropped it just in time! For surely she would have disappeared altogether very soon. She was certain of it.

"What a narrow escape," said Alice. She was quite frightened but relieved to still exist. " And now for the garden. " She ran all the way to the little door, but it was closed again. The little golden key was still lying on the glass table.

"Just like before, but things are now worse than ever! I am way too small to reach it!" She leaned forward trying to reach it. Of course she had no luck. At that moment, she slipped. She was soon up to her chin in salt water.

Her first thought was that she ended up in the sea. She looked around to see if she recognized the seaside. Before long, she realized she was not at the beach. Rather, she was in a pool of tears - - tears she had wept when she was nine feet high!

"I wish I hadn't cried so much!" cried Alice as she swam about trying to find a way out. "How awful everything is today! Simply dreadful!"

Just then she heard something splashing about in the pool. She swam closer to get a better look. It was a mouse who had slipped in just like herself!

  • xXx1213丨Elf

  • V55555V_TT

  • 雅丨Elf