32 Transforming an Unpleasant Sound

32 Transforming an Unpleasant Sound




[Transforming an Unpleasant Sound]

One day during a retreat in the mountains of northern California there was a wildfire nearby. All day long, during sitting meditation, walking meditation, and silent meals we heard the sound of helicopters. In Vietnam during the war, the sound of helicopters meant guns, bombs, and death. At the retreat there were many practitioners of Vietnamese origin who had gone through the war, so the sound was not pleasant for them, nor was it pleasant for the other practitioners. But there was no choice. So we chose to practice listening to the sound of the helicopters with mindfulness. With mindfulness, we could tell ourselves that this is not a helicopter operating in a situation of war, but a helicopter that is helping to extinguish the flames. With mindfulness, we transform our unpleasant feeling into a pleasant feeling of gratefulness. So we practiced breathing in and out with the sound of helicopters. And we survived very well. We made the sound of helicopters into something helpful. And we practiced:

I listen, I listen.
This sound of helicopters
brings me back
to the present moment.
