staying up late 四月突击新题

staying up late 四月突击新题

10. Staying up late
1. What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late?
The next morning can be quite a struggle! It feels like there are two of me—one that wants to stay in bed forever and another that's dragging itself to class. If the morning lecture is a bit dull, I can barely last a few minutes before my head's down on the desk, fast asleep. Honestly, it's only the promise of coffee that keeps me going at that point.

2.What do you do when you stay up late?
Mostly, I end up staying up late because I get hooked on scrolling through videos on my phone. I start off just wanting to relax and have a bit of fun by watching a couple of YouTube videos before bed, but more often than not, I can’t stop and keep going until the early hours, around one or two in the morning. Occasionally, it’s because I'm cramming for schoolwork—like when I have a presentation the next day and haven’t even started my PowerPoint, leading to an all-nighter.

3. Did you stay up late when you were a kid?
No, I didn’t stay up late when I was a kid. From kindergarten onward, my mum was quite strict about bedtime; she had me in bed by 9 PM every night. This good habit continued until I got my first mobile phone in the ninth grade. Then, during the summer before high school, I started to stay up late, often browsing social media. Sometimes, I really wish I could go back to those days when I could stick to a regular sleep schedule

4. Do you often stay up late?
Yes, I've been staying up late quite regularly since last March. My postgraduate experience wasn't what I hoped for; my supervisor wasn't very supportive, and it's been quite a letdown. Feeling disappointed, I've turned to my phone for some solace/ˈsɒləs/, often staying up late watching short videos to distract myself or tweeting about my frustrations and feelings.However, I'm trying to change things up by preparing for the IELTS and planning to study abroad for my PhD, hoping it will bring more joy into my life and cut down on the late nights.
