Outer space and stars四月突击新题

Outer space and stars四月突击新题

8. Outer space and stars
1. Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars(when you were at school?)?
Yes, I did learn a bit about outer space and the stars during my geography classes in high school. We covered basic stuff like the arrangement of planets in the solar system and their orbits/ˈɔːbɪt/ around the sun. However, it wasn’t a major focus for exams, so my understanding was quite basic. These days, I find that movies and documentaries are the most straightforward and enjoyable ways for me to learn more about this fascinating field.

2.Do you like science fiction movies? Why?
Do you enjoy watching science-fiction films/movies set in space?
Oh, I absolutely enjoy watching science-fiction films set in space! Films like Nolan's "Interstellar"
/ˌɪntəˈstelə(r)/ and the Chinese series "The Three-Body Problem" really captivate me. When the vastness/ˈvɑːstnəs/ of the cosmos/ˈkɒzmɒs/ unfolds on screen, with those dark, distant/ˈdɪstənt/ planets, especially when Earth appears as a beautiful blue orb/ɔːb/, it’s just breathtaking. It's moments like these that truly remind me how stunning/ˈstʌnɪŋ/ the universe is.

3.Do you want to know more about outer space?
Absolutely, I'm really drawn to learning more about outer space! Sci-fi movies with their stunning depictions of the universe have sparked my curiosity, prompting me to dive into documentaries like BBC's "Wonders of the Solar System." Discovering things like Saturn's rings being composed of countless ice crystals is not just a visual feast but also brings the joy of exploration and discovery.

4. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?
It really depends on whether the technology becomes accessible enough that even those of us who aren't trained astronauts could go. Personally, I'd love to experience space, but I'm well aware of the rigorous training involved—like dealing with intense spinning and dealing with zero gravity, "It's a bit too much like being put through the wringer/ˈrɪŋə(r)/! If it ever becomes easier and less physically demanding,just count me in
