The most beautiful heart

The most beautiful heart


The moral: True beauty encompasses love, compassion, and the willingness to give a piece of our hearts to those we care about.

Once upon a time, in a bustling town, a young man stood at the center, proudly proclaiming that he possessed the most beautiful heart in the entire valley. A large crowd gathered, their curiosity piqued. As they gazed upon his heart, they marveled—it was flawless, smooth, and shiny. Not a single mark or flaw marred its surface. Indeed, everyone agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen 12.

However, amidst the crowd, an older man stepped forward. His heart, though not as outwardly perfect, bore a different story. It beat strongly and healthily, but it was far from smooth. Scars crisscrossed its surface, and uneven edges marked its contours. Some pieces had been removed and replaced, leaving gaps and imperfections. The crowd chuckled, wondering how this scarred heart could rival the young man’s pristine one 1.

Undeterred, the older man explained: “Each scar on my heart represents a person I’ve loved. When I give my love, I tear a piece of my heart and offer it to them. Sometimes, they return a piece of their heart to fill the empty space in mine. But love isn’t uniform; their pieces may not fit perfectly, hence the rough edges. These scars remind me of the shared love.”

He continued, “Sometimes, I give my heart, and it isn’t reciprocated. Those are the gouges—the painful reminders of unreturned love. But even those are precious, for they signify my affection for those individuals.”

The young man listened, tears welling up. Suddenly, he understood. True beauty wasn’t about perfection; it was about love shared, scars earned, and connections forged. Moved by the older man’s wisdom, he reached into his own heart, tore out a piece, and offered it to the older man. In return, the older man placed a piece of his own heart into the young man’s chest. The young man’s heart no longer looked flawless, but it pulsed with newfound beauty—the love flowing from the older man’s heart 1.

And so, side by side, they walked away—two hearts, scarred and imperfect, yet infinitely more beautiful because they carried the weight of love. Remember, dear reader, that true beauty lies not in flawless surfaces but in the love we share and the scars we bear.

