娱乐版 2018春节笑话All 双语向大家拜年了

娱乐版 2018春节笑话All 双语向大家拜年了



2018春节笑话 双语向大家拜年了



I want to wish you an AMAZING New Year!

I have a joke for all of you!

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, I went to my cousin’s house. I brought two great bags of gifts to give to her, and when I got there she seemed very excited! When she opened them, however, she pulled out lots of exercise textbooks. She didn’t talk to me for the whole year.

I wish you a very fortunate New Year!

I have two jokes for you! Here we go.

For the SpringFestival, I was going to go and visit my parent’s house. My husband drove me to the train station. I told him, “You don’t need to walk me into the station, you’ll be sad if you see me leave! Also, you’ll have to pay the one-yuan platform ticket fee just to watch me go.” My husband smiled at me and said,“Don’t worry dear, it’ll be a yuan well spent.”

During the Spring Festival, there were two foreigners sitting side-by-side on bench eating dumplings. The first man looked to his friend and said, “The first time I ate a dumpling was so embarrassing! I thought it was supposed to be eaten like an orange, so I peeled off the skin and ate the insides only.” His friend looked at him and said, “That’s not nearly as embarrassing as what I did. I thought dumplings should be eaten like peaches, so I ate the skin but threw away the insides!”

Intro music: Baobao and Baoma

