



At about five thenext morning, just before the break of day, Brother Monkey rubbed his face,opened his eyes and said, "It certainly is good ointment..I can see far,and more clearly than ever." He turned round to look behind him, and tohis astonishment there was no house, windows, or doors; all that could be seenwere some ancient locust trees and tall willows. The pair of them were sleepingon cushions of green sedge. 不觉又是五更将晓,行者抹抹脸,睁开眼道:“果然好药!比常更有百分光明!”却转头后边望望,呀!那里得甚房舍窗门,但只见些老槐高柳,兄弟们都睡在那绿莎茵上。"What are you shouting for?"asked Pig as he woke up. "Open your eyes and look," replied Monkey.The idiot raised his head, and when he saw that there was nobody there, heleapt up in a panic with the words, "Where's our horse?" "Overthere, tied to a tree," said Monkey. "What about the luggage?""There, beside your head."

那八戒醒来道:“哥哥,你嚷怎的?”行者道:“你睁开眼看看。”呆子忽抬头,见没了人家,慌得一毂辘爬将起来道:“我的马哩?”行者道:“树上拴的不是?”“行李呢?”行者道:“你头边放的不是?”"The wretches," said Pig,"moving way in the middle of the night. Damn it, we must have been almostdead asleep. However did they dismantle the house without us hearing athing?" 八戒道:“这家子惫懒也。他搬了,怎么就不叫我们一声?通得老猪知道,也好与你送些茶果。想是躲门户的,恐怕里长晓得,却就连夜搬了。噫!我们也忒睡得死!怎么他家拆房子,响也不听见响响?”"Idiot," said Monkey with a snigger, "don't goshouting all over the place. Can you see what that piece of paper on the treeover there is?" Pig went over, tore it down, and saw that there were fourlines of verse on it: "This farm was not inhabited by mortals; TheRevealers of the Truth produced the house by magic. I gave you good medicine tocure your eyes: Subdue demons with all your heart, and never hesitate." 行者吸吸的笑道:“呆子,不要乱嚷,你看那树上是个甚么纸帖儿。”八戒走上前,用手揭了,原来上面四句颂子云:“庄居非是俗人居,护法伽蓝点化庐。妙药与君医眼痛,尽心降怪莫踌躇。”"So those tough gods came to play their tricks, although Ihaven't called the roll since they changed the dragon into a horse," saidMonkey. "Don't show off, brother," said Pig. "How could theypossibly answer to your roll.call?" 行者道:“这伙强神,自换了龙马,一向不曾点他,他倒又来弄虚头!”八戒道:“哥哥莫扯架子,他怎么伏你点札?”"You don't realize," Monkey replied, "that theProtectors of the Faith, the Six Dings, the Six Jias, the Revealers of theTruth of the Five Regions and the Four Duty Gods have all been ordered by theBodhisattva to give secret protection to our master. They reported their namesto me then, but as I've had you with me recently I haven't needed them again,which is why I haven't called the roll." 行者道:“兄弟,你还不知哩。这护教伽蓝、六丁六甲、五方揭谛、四值功曹,奉菩萨的法旨暗保我师父者。自那日报了名,只为这一向有了你,再不曾用他们,故不曾点札罢了。”

