



"My child," Monkey replied, "as the saying goes, 'If you have any warm feelings, don't raise your hand in anger; and if you raise your hand in anger, put all feelings aside.' I have a very heavy hand, and I'm afraid that you may not be able to stand my cudgel." No longer wishing to talk, the monster whirled his trident round and lunged at Monkey's chest. With unrushed expertise Monkey did a "Black Dragon Pawing the Ground" movement to parry the trident with his cudgel before striking at the monster's head. There followed a fine duel between the pair of them at the mouth of the Yellow Wind Gave: 行者笑道:儿子啊!常言道:留情不举手,举手不留情。你外公手儿重重的,只怕你捱不起这一棒!那怪那容分说,拈转钢叉,望行者当胸就刺。这大圣正是会家不忙,忙家不会,理开铁棒,使一个乌龙掠地势,拨开钢叉,又照头便打。他二人在那黄风洞口,这一场好杀:The demon king was furious, The Great Sage showed his might. The furious demon king Wanted to catch Monkey in revenge for his Vanguard Commander; The mighty Great Sage Intended to capture the evil spirit and rescue his master. When the trident came the cudgel parried, When the cudgel struck the trident blocked. One was supreme commander of the mountain, The other was the Handsome Monkey King, Protector of the Law. At first they fought in the dust, But then they rose into mid.air. The steel.tipped trident Was bright.pointed and deadly sharp; The As.You.Will cudgel Was black and banded with gold. Whoever was run through would go to the Underworld; If either was hit he would surely meet King Yama. All depended on a fast hand and a quick eye; Strength and vigor were essential. Each was mindless of life or death, Who would survive, and who would be killed? 妖王发怒,大圣施威。妖王发怒,要拿行者抵先锋;大圣施威,欲捉精灵救长老。叉来棒架,棒去叉迎。一个是镇山都总帅,一个是护法美猴王。初时还在尘埃战,后来各起在中央。点钢叉,尖明锐利;如意棒,身黑箍黄。戳着的魂归冥府,打着的定见阎王。全凭着手疾眼快,必须要力壮身强。两家舍死忘生战,不知那个平安那个伤!After some thirty rounds of combat between the old fiend and the Great Sage the issue was still not settled. As Monkey wanted to win glory he used an "extra body"trick: plucking a hair out, he chewed it into little bits, blew them all out, and shouted, "Change!" They turned into well over a hundred Monkeys, all dressed like him and wielding iron cudgels. They surrounded the monster in mid.air, and in his fright he countered with a trick of his own. He turned his head sharply to the Southeast opened his mouth three times, and blew. A yellow hurricane suddenly arose. It was really terrible. 那老妖与大圣斗经三十回合,不分胜败。这行者要见功绩,使一个身外身的手段:把毫毛揪下一把,用口嚼得粉碎,望上一喷,叫声变!变有百十个行者,都是一样打扮,各执一根铁棒,把那怪围在空中。那怪害怕,也使一般本事:急回头,望着巽地上把口张了三张,嘑的一口气,吹将出去,忽然间,一阵黄风,从空刮起。好风!真个利害:
