

Olympia 奥林匹亚(奥林匹克运动会起源地)
a relay of torchbearers 接力传递的火炬手
handover 移交
pilgrimage 朝圣
spectator (尤指体育比赛的)观众
pack 聚集,挤进
confluence 合流,汇流
teem with 充满,盛产
sniffer dog 搜救犬;嗅探犬
comb 搜寻,梳理
medalist 奖牌

The Paris Olympics flame is lit at the Greek cradle of ancient games
April 16, 2024 from AP

From the ancient stadium in Olympia, a relay of torchbearers will carry the flame along a 5,000-kilometer (3,100-mile) route through Greece, including several islands, until the handover to Paris Games organizers in Athens on April 26. International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said the flame lighting combined "a pilgrimage to our past in ancient Olympia, and an act of faith in our future."
在奥林匹亚古老的体育场,火炬手将传递圣火,途经希腊,包括几个岛屿,全程5000公里(3100英里),直到4月26日在雅典移交给巴黎奥运会组织者。国际奥委会主席托马斯 · 巴赫说,圣火点燃结合了“对我们在古奥林匹亚的过去的朝圣之旅,以及对我们未来的信念。”

Thousands of spectators from all over the world packed Olympia for Tuesday's event amid the ruined temples and sports grounds where the ancient games were held from 776 B.C.-393 A.D. The sprawling site, in a lush valley by the confluence of two rivers, is at its prettiest in the spring, teeming with pink-flowering Judas trees, small blue irises and the occasional red anemone.
周二,来自世界各地的数千名观众挤满了奥林匹亚的废墟神庙和运动场,这里曾在公元前 776 年至 393 年间举办过古代奥运会。该景点位于两河交汇处的一个郁郁葱葱的山谷中,春季是该景点最美丽的时候,粉红色的犹大树、蓝色的小鸢尾和偶尔出现的红色葵花竞相开放。

Greek authorities maintained high security around Olympia on Tuesday, after protests by rights activists disrupted the lighting ceremonies for the Beijing summer and winter games. Armed police stopped incoming vehicles and checked for explosives, while sniffer dogs combed the grounds.

The first torchbearer was Greek rower Stefanos Douskos, a gold medalist in 2021 in Tokyo. He ran to a nearby monument that contains the heart of French Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the driving force behind the modern revival of the games. The next runner was Laure Manaudou, a French swimmer who won three medals at Athens in 2004. She handed over to senior European Union official Margaritis Schinas, a Greek.
第一位火炬手是2021年东京奥运会金牌得主、希腊赛艇运动员斯特凡诺斯·杜斯科斯。他跑到附近的一座装有法国顾拜旦男爵的心脏的纪念碑前,顾拜旦是奥运会现代复兴的推动力。下一位火炬手是法国游泳运动员劳雷 · 马纳多,她在2004年雅典奥运会上获得了三枚奖牌。她将圣火传递给了希腊欧盟高级官员玛格丽蒂斯·席纳斯。
