Dogs think “He feeds me and cares for me, he must be a god.”
Cats think “He feeds me and cares for me, I must be a god.”
When you come home.
Dogs say “OMG you’re home, I have missed you so much.”
Cats say “I see you have returned, now feed me.”
Feline/Canine 猫科/犬科
Loyal, obedient, affectionate, energetic
Man’s best friend
Companion animal 伴侣动物(宠物)
Workingdogs 工作犬
Police dogs/Guide dogs/Search dogs/Rescuedogs/Detection dogs/Therapydogs
Breed 品种(n.)
Purebred 纯种
Most popular breeds in China
1. Husky 哈士奇
2. Labrador 拉布拉多
3. Golden Retriever 金毛
4. Samoyed 萨摩
5. Poodle 贵宾
6. Akita 秋田
7. Chow chow 松狮
8. Pomeranian (Pom) 博美
9. German shepherd 德国黑背
Have a dog 养狗
Feed/Train/Walk/Play fetch with/Pet
Collar/Leash 项圈/狗绳
It’s a dog’s life 困苦的日子
In the doghouse 被打入冷宫(狗窝)
He is still in the doghouse with hisgirlfriend because he forgot her birthday.
Doggie bag /Doggy bag (餐馆里)剩菜打包
Partsof a dog
Puppy dog eyes 卖萌(装可怜)的小眼神
Puppy 小奶狗 puppy love 很年轻时候的初恋
Dog-eared (page) 折角的页面(引申义:折旧的/破旧的)
Tail between one’s legs 夹着尾巴灰溜溜的
After losing the fight, he came back withhis tail between his legs.
Hair of the dog (that bit you) 解宿醉的一杯酒(以酒解酒)
Bark up the wrong tree 找错了目标/人
If you think I will lend you more money,you are barking up the wrong tree!
Throw someone a bone 意思意思给他点甜头
He is trying so hard, you could at leastthrow him a bone.
5classic dog movies:
OldYeller 老黄狗
LassieCome Home 灵犬莱西
101Dalmatians 101忠狗
Ladyand the Tramp 小姐与流浪汉
Cujo 狂犬惊魂
英语主播璐璐 回复 @Cccc1000:
英语主播璐璐 回复 @roadwxc: 谢谢支持理解
英语主播璐璐 回复 @天道酬勤_Sean: 你也是哦˜新年快乐
英语主播璐璐 回复 @1399229mvan: 嗯,说过了春节不打烊˜说到做到
英语主播璐璐 回复 @风小麦: 有你们支持,我当然要好好努力!
love me and love my dog
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