E5 Coffee Habit or Coffee Addict

E5 Coffee Habit or Coffee Addict


Sea salt cheese latte from Manner Coffee

Coconut Dirty from M Stand
Matcha latte in Ogawa Coffee (oat milk plus espresso)
Coconut water espresso from Phin Coffee House
Tatte Bakery & Cafe
Blue Bottle and Maple Latte from Stumptown
Sea salt caramel latte from Turret Coffee in Tokyo
Japan, Brazil, China, Jamaica
Arabica from Brazil, Robusta from Vietnam and Liberica from Malasia.
Smelling like popcorn or wood, tasting like peanut or others.
Grind into powder
Starbucks, iced doppio espresso in a venti cup, cream and 2 pumps of white mocha.
Secret menu
Has a smooth and rich taste. Velvety.

