021518 现在说骑士是东部大热门是否太早

021518 现在说骑士是东部大热门是否太早


Is it too soon to call Cleveland the favorite out of the East again, Paul?
Nah, it not too soon, because you know what I think? I noticed it over the last three games. Lebron looks motivated again. Before that, it looks like he was like going in and out of it. He wasn’t all the way there. Ang the guys around were the same. He has four new guys that are gonna listen to him. They’re gonna be eyes open, ears open to any little thing he says. And it ‘s not gonna be any impiety, no clutter, and that’s all that was missing. They got the clutter out of the locker room. Now, they can play free spirit of basketball. It has to put them probably to be the favorite when you have those suitings together, well it motivated Lebron.
不,不早。你知道我怎么想的吗? 在过去的3场比赛当中,我注意到勒布朗又更有动力了。在这之前,看上去他一会在状态,一会不在状态。他周围的队友也是这样。现在他有了四个新的队友。他们都对勒布朗惟命是从。球队里不再有不忠诚,不再有混乱。这在以前都是问题。现在更衣室没有了这些问题。现在他们可以打自由的篮球。当你有这些合适的配料组合到一起,激励其勒布朗的时候,大概就要把他们放在东部最佳球队的位置了。

You got transition basketball again. You got younger. You got better defensively, and you got some perimeter shooters. And the thing that I thought was interesting was When Jr smith hit that shot right at the beginning of the game that falling out the bound straight. I’m like, Ok, if this is what gonna happen, the Celtics are cooked. I mean that’s the first 5 seconds of the game.

That shot was ridiculous. I remember.

When he gets motivated like that. He feeds off Lebron’s energy. And the most important thing is Lebron brought the ball all the time, which we are used to right. That’s what he does, that’s one of the reasons why Kyrie Irving is playing in Boston right now. Do you think George Hill cares? Wanna order? Of course not. He is just like Sacramento, he plays off the ball, let me shoot some threes.   
The favorite 最喜欢的(这里可以暗指最有希望冲出东部的球队)
In and out 进进出出,这里暗指状态起伏不定
Impiety 不忠诚
Clutter 杂乱
Perimeter shooters 外围投手
Transition basketball 转换篮球
Are cooked 被煮熟了,这里暗指被打的很惨
Order 命令,这里暗指球权
Play off the ball

  • qupeng_r0
