1120 论球哥鲍尔该如何分配球权

1120 论球哥鲍尔该如何分配球权


背景: 11月20日,洛杉矶湖人在主场以127-109击败丹佛掘金队。鲍尔再次拿到三双11分、16个篮板和11次助攻。但关于鲍尔应该如何处理好场上的球权分配,NBA评论员这么说:

But what needs to happen for Ball to be trusted in that way?
That’s gonna come a time in a practice of the game, you know this, when everybody always complains to the point guard:” I’m open, I’m open, give me the ball. “He is gonna have to put that ball under his arm and say: “Hey, look, everybody shut up. You get the ball when I deem you’re open. Do your job, I will get you the basketball. But I can’t have 4 or 5 guys coming to me at their positions, screaming for the basketball.” That’s when you put your foot down. Again, I don’t care how young you’re. I used to tell my point guards all the time. You can be 19 or 20 off the court, but when you step on the court. (You’re the man) Put that ball in your hand. You’re the man, you got to direct traffic, put people in places. And sometimes, you got to tell your veterans to shut up, do their job, and let you run your show. 

你知道,在训练中总会有这样的时候:当所有的人都向控球后卫要求:“我空了,我空了,传球给我” 。这个时候他需要把球夹在手臂下,然后说:“听着,每个人都闭嘴。当我认为你有空档的时候,我会传球给你。做好自己的事,我就会传球给你。但不能同时有4,5个人跟我要球”。这个时候你要敢于说不。再次强调,不管你多么年轻,我一直跟我的组织后卫说。在场下你可能是19岁20岁的小伙子,但是只要你一上场,一拿球,你就是指挥官。你来掌控球的走向,把人叫到合适的位置。有时候,你要让场上的老队员闭嘴,让他们做好自己的工作,然后自己来主导这场比赛。

That’s gonna come a time 总会有这样的时候
Complain 抱怨
Point guard 组织后卫
Deem 认为
Screaming 尖叫
Put your foot down 保持坚定的立场,敢于说不
Off the court 场下
You’re the man 你是主角
Direct traffic 疏导交通,这里指控制球的走向
Veteran 老兵,这里指老球员
Run your show 主导这场表演

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