

Elementary ‐ Advanced ‐ Just In Time Strategy (E0047)<br> A: I called this meeting today in order to discuss our manufacturing plan. As I’m sure you’re all aware, with the credit crunch, and the global financial crisis, we’re obligated to look for more cost efficient ways of producing our goods. We don’t want to have to be looking at redundancies. So, we’ve outlined a brief plan to implement the just-in-time philosophy.<br> B: We have two basic points that we want to focus on. First of all, we want to reduce our lead time.<br> C: Why would want to do that? I think this is not an area that really needs to be worked on.<br> B: Well, we want to reduce production and delivery lead timesfor better overall efficiency.<br> A: Right, production lead times can be reduced by moving work stations closer together, reducing queue length, like for example, reducing the number of jobs waiting to be processed at a given machine, and improving the coordination and cooperation between successive processes. Delivery lead times can be reduced through close cooperation with suppliers, possibly by inducing suppliers to locate closer to the factory or working with a faster shipping company.<br> C: I see. That makes sense.<br> B: The second point is that we want to require supplier quality assurance and implement a zero defects quality program. We currently have far too many errors that lead to defective items and therefore, they must be eliminated. A quality control at the source program must be implemented to give workers the personal responsibility for the quality of the work they do, and the authority to stop production when something goes wrong.<br> C: I’m with you on this one. Its essential that we reduce these errors; we’ve got to force our suppliers to reduce their mistakes.<br> A: Exactly. Well, let’s look at how we’re going to put this plan into action. First...(fade out)
  • 敏于行_iu

    1.credit crunch信贷危机; redundancies冗余;layout 布局; outline概述; queue length队列长度; coordination协调; successive processes 连续的过程; shipping company航运公司; defect: problem ;

    msib 回复 @敏于行_iu: redundancy是裁员的意思

  • 敏于行_iu

    2.Production lead time is the time between when you make an order and the products are finished. Delivery lead time is the time from when you place an order to when the product gets delivered to you. ##3. Work station is the area where you work.

  • 敏于行_iu

    4. at a given machine (time /day /moment): at any machine (time /day /moment) ##5. defective: has problem with it. ##6. I’m with you on this one: I agree with you on this point. ##7.That makes sense: 那可以理解 ##8. put this plan into action: 把计划付诸实施

  • Wooska

    lead time 研发周期。delivery lead time 交货时间。just in time 零库存的。redundant 多余的。work station 工作站。 at a given machine 任意一台机器。 given 任意的。 at any given day 任意一天。defective 有缺陷的。

    Wooska 回复 @Wooska: i am with you on this line 我同意你。

  • rchft12jrsbvsiubpe57


    听友205790942 回复 @rchft12jrsbvsiubpe57: 前人栽树,后人乘凉。如果你每天翻译一篇,一年之后我们就有中文翻译了。

  • 叶今朝


    独立思考528 回复 @叶今朝: 词很简单?你确定吗,有很多专业用词。

  • Geena_G

    1Implement:实施执行/n:工具手段 2:successive process:连续的进程 3:that makes sense:言之有理,有道理 4:assurance:promise,guarantee /insurance 5:quality assurance:质量保证 6:overall efficiency:总效率 7:eliminate:remove or get rid of:消除 排除 淘汰 8:authority:权利 9:put plan into action

  • 好多榕


  • wekz

    答:是的,可以通过将工作站靠得更近、减少队列长度来缩短生产提前期,例如,减少在给定机器上等待处理的作业数量,并改善连续流程之间的协调与合作。通过与供应商的密切合作,可以缩短交货时间,可能是通过让供应商靠近工厂或与更快的运输公司合作。 C:我明白了。这就说得通了。 B:第二点,我们要要求供应商质量保证,实施零缺陷质量计划。我们目前有太多错误导致产品有缺陷,因此必须消除它们。必须实施源头质量控制计划,让工人对他们所做的工作质量负责,并有权在出现问题时停止生产。 C:我同意你的看法。我们必须减少这些错误;我们必须迫使我们的供应商减少他们的错误。 答:没错。好吧,让我们看看我们将如何把这个计划付诸行动

  • winnie7_6w

    piggly wiggly 小猪妞妞自助商店,美国第一家自助式连锁超市