1.You possess something: You have it #的#2. Survival is continuing to live even in hard times. ##3. defend: protect ##4. Something is rough: a little bit violence, hard. Boxing is a rough sports. A person can be a little bit rough. A person can play rough.
one podcast, coming to a theater near you.中间有一句english pod,如果我没听错的话
1862380lgmg 回复 @幸福吗ni: 你没听错,的确有
godfather又出现了😂I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
39 days, 20 people, one survivor
Two hosts,one podcast, Englishpod! Coming to a theater near you! 两个主播,一个播客,就在Englishpod!赶快去附近的影院一睹为快吧
atall costs =no matter what.I protect my kids at all costs. I am going to go on vocation no matter what my boss says👍😝
5. at all costs: It doesn't matter how hard it is or what you have to do, you'll do it. ##6. No matter waht: I'm going to go on vacation no matter what (my boss says). ##7. stand in my way: prevent you from reaching my goal ##8. podcast: 播客