Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ Movie Trailer
A: In a digital world, even the strongest must fight for
survival. Two people, possess a secret so valuable, so
powerful, they have to defend it at all costs.
B: I don’t care where they are, I don’t care what it takes...
you find them and bring them to me!
A: They only had one chance! And their chance was to
fight back!
D: You wanna play rough? Okay, say hello to my little
A: With a little help from a Governor...
C: Listen to me! We have to get them outta there!
No matter what!
A: Nothing will prevent them from doing their job!
Double the action.
D: Get down!
A: Triple the excitement.
D: Get down again!
A: This summer... nothing will stand in their way.
B: I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
A: Two hosts, one podcast, coming to a theater near you.
甘志浩 回复 @听友253292330: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.《教父》里的一句话。本来原来的演员说话的风格就是随意、含混不清,再加上放在这个嘈杂的背景中,就更难听辨了。refuse像跟吞掉了没吐出来似的。可以放慢到0.75 0.5倍速听。
the strongest people must fight for survival&possess the secret&i don't care what it takes.
最后一句漏了englishpod 。啥电影啊?
and Triple the excitement.?
EL_learner_2021 回复 @甘志浩: 三倍快乐
Double the action.是什么意思呢?
EL_learner_2021 回复 @甘志浩: double kill
EP预告片,666,for survival
春暖花开_makuhari 回复 @春暖花开_makuhari: makuhati=幕張 是地名