Hermès produces a limited number of Birkin handbags and they can sell for around $450,000. And just having the money often isn't enough.
A new lawsuit brought by customers in California who were unable to buy Birkin bags alleges Hermès is a monopoly.
"Consumers are coerced into purchasing ancillary products" to buy a Birkin bag, the complaint alleges. "This is anticompetitive, tying conduct."
1. a limited number 限量
2. something can sell for … 售价会高达……
· Homes in Beijing can sell for more than 100,000 RMB per square meter. 北京房价可以高达每平米十多万人民币。
3. lawsuit /ˈlɔː.suːt/ n. 诉讼
4. allege /əˈledʒ/ v. 指控
5. monopoly /məˈnɒpli/ n. 垄断行为;(本文)垄断者
6. be coerced into doing something 被迫做某事
· Young people are socially coerced into marrying. 年轻人在社会催婚压力下被迫结婚。6
7. ancillary /ænˈsɪlri/ adj. 附属的,附加的
8. complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/ n. 诉状
9. anticompetitive /ˌæntikəmˈpetɪtɪv/ adj. 反竞争的
10. tying conduct 捆绑销售行为
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