

Describe something you do regularly that helps you work or study
You should say:
what you do
when you do this
how you feel when you do this
and explain why doing this helps your work or study

我要谈谈冥想,我们日常生活中一个有帮助且重要的放松活动leisure activity。+ …(可继续名词性展开)
我还记得,那是去年,由于沉重的学习/考试压力heavy study/exam pressure,我抑郁沮丧甚至失眠,我闺蜜/哥们非常担心我,并建议我可以花时间学习冥想proposed that maybe I could spend time learning how to meditate,因为越冥想越平和,我听取了took她/他的建议advice,冥想两周后,我惊讶/开心地发现,我睡眠质量变好,并且恢复了一种平和舒适的状态,打那时起,我就爱上了冥想。每当我不在状态的时候whenever I’m not in mood,我就会冥想在一个安静的tranquil地方来调节情绪regulate emotions,每次都奏效it works every time。
+ 点和点直接过渡: 。。。 I have to say, … Good for your health, especially your mental health有益于健康,尤其是心理健康mental health/well-being, when we meditate with imagination, brain parts for stress and anxiety will shrink, while parts for love and happiness will grow

I’ m going to talk about psychology which is one of the most important sciences in the world, many people are fond of it, u know, no matter the young or the elder, well, just take myself as an example, I’m a totally a big fan of psychology, like, whenever I get nothing to do, I’d like to watch some films about it to kill time.
