“Time - Time - Time -”

“Time - Time - Time -”

Time – Time – Time –
Time gone mad in the thought of eternal recurrence,
Time gone missing in unthinkable absence.
Time has driven me insane – over time itself.

What shall I think with respect to Time?
How shall I live in relation to Time?
How shall I deal with Time passing?
How shall I reconcile with all that lost Time?
How shall I project myself into the future, embracing my past and understanding the present?

Psychopathology of Time

Time has long forsaken me, exiled me out of its borders, and I can no longer eve touch the edge of time. I have lost the trajectory of passing years. Memories have long forgotten me; everything has escaped from me. I incarnate myself in disappearance, absence, and the void.

Since time has forsaken me, I also reject time. I adamantly believe that I died in the autumn when I turned twenty, and time has forever frozen in the year 2016. In the time that followed, I have not truly existed; I have become a lost spirit, a ghost without a name, a face, or an age. Time moved on, but it did not authentically flow through me; I have not entered time. To experience the passing of time is to let time flow in “Being”, which signifies leaving traces that are inscribed with my name, creating experiences in the course of time, and precipitating memories in the soul. “Being” gains substance and takes shape only through time, acquiring its form and contours. Those are the things that I do not have as a ghost. Therefore, I reject time – the existence of time, the passage of time – I completely lack an identification with time.

At the age of twenty, I had already exhausted my time. I broke the clock’s winding key, and the gears of time fell apart.

Back when I was in high school, as self-introduction, I described myself as “a candle with two ends burning”, on the cover of a collection containing my artwork and literary writings, made by myself. At that time, I adamantly believed that I was inexhaustible and inextinguishable.

However, afterwards, when my heart turned into a broken clock, suddenly I aged, transformed into a lifeless ghost, and my future died like a fallen leaf. I pressed it into a book and carried it with me while walking through endless darkness. Since then, I could only live in a time without time, until this body completely perishes.

I am trapped in some unknown space outside the normal timeline, not fully belonging to the past or the future. I am entangled in the threads of time, sinking deeper and deeper into an infinite vortex of unbreakable cycles. I wander, like a somnambulist, in a hostile world with no exit. At the bottom of the abyss, I gaze at the endless and unchanging cycle of day and night.

The increasing rift between the external flowing time and my internal stagnant time grows stronger and stronger, and I am more and more distanced from time.

The categorical denial of time has resulted in an identity crisis concerning my age. I never know how old I am now; if asked, I would say I am probably in my twenties. If I must know for sure, I would subtract my remembered year of birth from the current year, which would give me a foreign number – a number that does not belong to me, a number devoid of any personal significance. But if I remain forever at the age of twenty as the time flows, my year of birth will keep receding.

I am not refusing to grow older; I am refusing to acknowledge time.











  • 小熊的长笛


  • 小熊的长笛


  • 小熊的长笛

    放逐意义 走走新路