

A Boy Learns
Joey is a teenage boy. He used to do well in school. But lately, things changed. He started skipping class. Soon, his parents got a phone call from the school. Where was Joey? With a little investigating, they found out that their son was going to an Internet café to play computer games. They were very upset.
The next weekend, they took him to visit his grandfather,
His grandfather is a farmer. He grows vegetables, cotton, corn and many other crops.
He walked with his grandson in the fields, looking at the crops.
Grandpa said to Joey, "I plant every crop-each in its own season. Otherwise, I would have nothing to harvest. Everything has its time."
He stopped and looked at his grandson. “For you, it's the same," he said. “I don't want you to become a man who missed the season for planting.”
Joey learned a good lesson from his grandfather.
