A satellite on a methane mission

A satellite on a methane mission


A satellite on a methane mission

An artist’s impression of MethaneSAT.

A satellite that will measure methane levels around the world is set to launch next month. Satellites are objects in space that travel around the Earth.

Methane is a naturally occurring gas that makes a big contribution to climate change by trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. MethaneSAT will travel around the planet 15 times every day, collecting data. Technology company Google will then use this to create a methane map of the world.

The map will focus on places where people work to extract oil and gas from the ground – processes that often lead to the release of lots of methane. The information will then be available to help governments and other organisations make plans to reduce methane emissions. Google says the MethaneSAT project aims to “fill gaps” in current world methane data.

The Week Junior 24 February 2024 

