Plans to limit phones in schools

Plans to limit phones in schools


Plans to limit phones in schools

Many young people have phones.

On 19 February, the Government announced new advice for headteachers to limit pupils using phones at schools in England.

What does the advice say?

The advice sets out new powers that headteachers and teachers can use to reduce students’ phone use in schools. The advice outlines several ways of doing this, such as banning phones from school premises; getting pupils to hand in phones on arrival and collect them at the end of the day; or keeping phones in a locker all day. The Government advice also says that teachers can search pupils’ bags for banned items (including phones) and can confiscate them.

Why has the advice been introduced?

The Government wants to improve education and behaviour by supporting schools to restrict pupils using phones. The advice follows a 2023 UNESCO report that said smartphones can disrupt learning and have a negative effect on children’s wellbeing. UNESCO is part of the United Nations, and it promotes education across the world. The Government says that pupils using phones can lead to online bullying. Education secretary Gillian Keegan said pupils go to school to learn and create friendships. “You don’t go to sit on your mobile phone,” she said.

What was the response?

Teacher groups say most schools already have rules in place for mobile phones. Geoff Barton, from the Association of School and College Leaders, said the Government should instead focus on limiting young people’s access to harmful content. Some parents are concerned that their children won’t be able to contact them. One mother said, “Phones are an essential part of life and children need to be taught how to use them responsibly.” Another parent said, “I can’t imagine how hard it must be to teach children when they are constantly checking their phones.”

The Week Junior 24 February 2024 

