【中文版 417】丹尼尔·戈尔曼:做有怜悯心的领导者

【中文版 417】丹尼尔·戈尔曼:做有怜悯心的领导者





Lead with Compassion, with Daniel Goleman, Psychologist

Emotional intelligence, a term coined by psychologist Daniel Goleman and closely connected with the work of Howard Gardner on “multiple intelligences”, has become a powerful frame of reference for employers. Numerous studies have shown that the ability to understand others’ emotional states translates into success at work. In this lesson, Goleman explores why emotionally intelligent people are more effective colleagues and leaders, able to inspire others and synchronize their efforts toward a common set of goals.






Emotional Intelligence Matters

Well, the classic problem is the 2 kinds of leadership. They tend to be slightly rapid. One is someone called the pace setter, who typically was a very gifted individual performer, the very good at the technical side of what they do, whatever that may be. And because they’re so good, they get promoted to lead a team or a division. And all of a sudden, the skill for which they were so good is no longer sufficient to the task at hand, which is dealing with people.



Leadership, what is leadership? Leadership is influencing, persuading, motivating, listening, communicating. None of those skills necessarily have to do with how good a software programmer you are, whatever the skill may be. So pace setters tend to lead by example. And they also tend to be perfectionists. The thing about perfectionist is that no matter what they do, they see that it could be better, which is why they get so good, why they become the top of the game. But you get that good by focusing on what’s wrong with what you did, not what’s right so you could learn to do better. And they tend to look at other people, people they’re leading through the same lens of negativity. So they give failing grades. They don’t understand an intrinsic part of any leaders’ task is to help other people get better at what they do. They just criticize. So that, that doesn’t work.


The other is the kind of command and control kind of the military model. I’m the boss, do it because I say so. Think nothing, blowing up at people or humiliating them and so on. And those 2 styles are disasters. So very often, I’m asked to come to a company or I just was spent 2 days in London with the National Health Service there. They have 2 million people in the health service, with leaders at different levels, talking about leadership styles and what the emotional intelligent styles are and why, particularly in health service, it’s important for leaders to be emotionally supportive so that the people who are at the front lines, who really have to deliver and be there for patients have the emotional reserves themselves to do it and don’t get burned out.




Emotional Intelligence Matters

•Leaders must be emotionally supportive of talent so that the people on the front lines have the emotional reserves they need to connect with clients.



• 领导者必须在情感上支持人才们,这样位于一线的员工们才能有足够的情感储备,用于和客户建立联系。

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