Dawn Wong: All Joking Aside

Dawn Wong: All Joking Aside


Dawn Wong is a Stand-Up Comedian in Shanghai.  Today we talk about stand-up comedy in China.  We discuss script vetting, cancel culture and the differences between doing comedy for Chinese and Western audiences.   We talk about gender equality, her influences growing up, and her thoughts on Asian men’s taste in women.We also talk about how female comedians are perceived in China vs the West, cultural differences in humor, and what its like to have a really bad set in front of a crowd.

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  • 听友92231918


  • 小杨ey

    Wow the show gets to a new level of honesty! I enjoy it and greatly appreciate Dawn’s sharing.

  • 木蓝z

  • 一笑而过的喃喃自语


    THD小酒馆 回复 @一笑而过的喃喃自语: 你可以搜索小天王😀

  • 一笑而过的喃喃自语


  • 可爱的乖乖me

    I like hearing the differences between different cultures. Very good show.

  • 一碗饭上都是肉

  • Rogerzhang010