Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber


Today we talk about brain fog and cognitive decline.  We share our personal experience with feeling dumber and discuss what might be the reasons behind it, and what we can do about it.  We talk about why its so hard to speak up about intellectual weaknesses or to even admit experiencing temporary ones.  We talk about daily routines and addiction to screens and phones.  We discuss if global society has gotten dumber as a whole in the last few years, if ignorance is bliss, and what we should be doing to regain our cognitive fitness.

Brainwave Tuner (Howie's sound waves to optimize focus)

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  • Toppman


    THD小酒馆 回复 @Toppman: 如果没有嘉宾的话就不拍合照了

  • 听友268368229


    THD小酒馆 回复 @听友268368229: 要文稿的话,在简介里有百度盘链接。 这节目的文稿还没上传但过几天就会有了。你可以先看一下之前几集的文稿😀

  • 谢壹秋


    THD小酒馆 回复 @谢壹秋: 🤐 已准备好了😏

  • 夏小野666


    THD小酒馆 回复 @夏小野666:

  • 我踏月色而来666

    I like the intro

  • T大YYDS

    Intro is good.

  • 一念丁

    I do enjoy listening to the intro, and have an expexction of the whole episode. Please do keep it!

  • 听友246468452

    love you guys a lot

  • T大YYDS

    You guys cracks me up! For thirty something to reflect on getting old based on the timing of going out/getting home and the speed of getting drunk

  • Rogerzhang010