


Didn’t I call it or did I call it?


I mean, what did I say, six months?

And when was her first date?

So five and a half? God, I hate it when I'm right.


I mean, what is it about guys \ that makes them want to screw anything that walks \ even when they're going out with someone \ as awesome /ˈɑː.səm/ \ as Allegra Cole?

Makes them want to screw anything that walks 暗示着某种刺激、冲动或激情会让人产生强烈的性欲,以至于他们想要与任何一个人发生性关系,即使是陌生人。

其中, anything that walks 指的是任何一个活着的、有生命的东西。

I mean, she's only the single most fabulous /ˈfæb.jə.ləs/ thing walking aroundNew York.

Thanks, young.

Are you kidding? Of course I'm gonna run it.

Why should she waste her heart \ onsome Swedish aristo-brat?

在这个上下文中,"aristo-brat" 是一种俚语或缩略语,结合了两个词:

"aristo": 来自 "aristocrat /əˈrɪs.stə.kræt/ "(贵族),指的是社会上层的人,尤其是那些有贵族背景或生活方式的人。

"-brat/bræt/ ": 这是一种贬义后缀,通常用于形容某人,特别是年轻人,可能因为富裕、傲慢或不成熟而被视为不讨人喜欢。

因此,"aristo-brat" 这个词的含义大致是指一个有贵族背景但可能因为自负、傲慢或不成熟而令人讨厌的年轻人。在这个句子中,说话者可能在表达对某位女性不愿意浪费感情在一个自视甚高的瑞典贵族青年身上的看法。

Even if he is gorgeous/ˈɡɔːr.dʒəs/.

Hey, if he's stupid enough to cheat, then the worldshould know he's \ dumb/dʌm/ enough to get caught.蠢到被抓住

Exactly. I'm in the elevator. See you in a minute.

Good morning. How are you?

Bitter /ˈbɪt̬.ɚ/. Party ofone.

Hey, you should try it sometime.

Barbados /bɑːrˈbeɪ.doʊs/ by myself? Iwouldn't last five minutes.我坚持不了5分钟

在这个上下文中,"Barbados" 是指巴巴多斯,是一个位于加勒比海的岛国。这个问题 "Barbados by myself?" 可能在询问或考虑是否要独自前往巴巴多斯。


It was just what the doctor ordered.我只是按医生的指示做的

I slept in. I did myyoga. I read a couple of books. I flirted with my scuba / ˈskuːbə /instructor/ ɪnˈstrʌktər /潜水教练

And apparently/əˈper.ənt.li/ never left theoffice.


所以,这里的 "office" 可能是在暗示说话者一直在忙于某种工作、职责或责任,即使在执行其他活动的时候也没有真正脱离工作状态。这种用法可能是一种夸张或幽默的说法,强调他们的生活似乎总是与工作联系在一起。

I know. Isn't that great?

You should’ve taken someone with you.

Who? Who am I gonna take with me?

This is where a boyfriend comes in handy.派得上用场

I don't have time for a boyfriend.

You said that two years ago.

Yes, and it's as true today \ asit was \ then.

Hey. Hey.

I thought you were on vacation.

See if these are in focus, will you? And have them on my desk in an hour?

Will you是一种礼貌的方式来表达请求。



And besides, relationships are for people \ they are justwaiting for something better to come along.


Ah, spoken like a true cynic.

I'm not a cynic/ ˈsɪnɪk /愤世嫉俗者,悲观者. I'ma realist./ˈriː.ə.lɪst/

You are a realist \ masquerading/ ˌmæskəˈreɪdɪŋ / \ as acynic \ who is secretly/ˈsiː.krət.li/ \ an optimist.

What are you doing here? What is she doing here?

She works here, remember?

No, she doesn't. Not for another four days.还有四天呢

Well, this couldn't wait.

Of course it could. What are you doing? Go back to the beach. I don't wantyou here.

Oh, no. Really. You do.

You are becoming asick workaholic / ˌwɜːrkəˈhɑːlɪk /lunatic  /ˈluːnətɪk /.

And this is exactly \ the kind of nervous /ˈnɝː.vəs/, overwrought/ ˌoʊvərˈrɔːt / 过分劳累的,工作过度behavior /bɪˈheɪ.vjɚ/ \ that leads to...

Pictures of Sebi witha busty / ˈbʌsti / brunette / bruːˈnet /.

A brunette is aperson, usually a woman or girl, with dark brown hair. 深褐色头发女子

A very, very big raise.非常大的加薪

