小年【英文中字幕】Chinese Little New Year Festival

小年【英文中字幕】Chinese Little New Year Festival


The 23rd day of the lunar calendar inDecember, also known as Xiao Nian or traditional Chinese Little New YearFestival. 


Xiao Nian, also known as the Festival ofStove God or Dust Sweeping Day, involves customs such as cleaning, worshiping the Stove God, and eating stove candies. Itsignifies that people are starting to prepare for the upcoming new year,symbolizing a fresh start, getting rid of the old, and welcoming the new. Thecustom of worshiping the Stove God dates back to at least 4,000 years agoduring the Xia Dynasty. The Stove God has always been revered by the people. 


Aside from overseeing people’s food and grantingconvenience in daily life, another important duty of the Stove God is to besent by the Jade Emperor to observe and assess the virtues and vices of afamily. The Stove God keeps a record of a family’s behavior and reports it tothe Jade Emperor on the December 24th of the lunar calendar, known as “leavingthe stove.” Therefore, every household must “send off the Stove God.”


The offerings for the Stove God usuallyconsist of sweet and sticky items like candy melons made by malt sugar,glutinous rice balls, etc. The purpose of these sticky and sweet items is toseal the Stove God’s mouth so that he will speak favorably of the family inheaven. The fortunes and misfortunes of the family in the coming year depend onthe Stove God’s annual report. As the saying goes, “The Stove God speaks goodthings in heaven and brings good luck to the mortal world.”

Therefore, on the 23rd day of the lunar calendar in December, everyone eats sweet and sticky candies to ensure that the stove god speaks positively of us and prays for blessings and protection in the coming new year.



