How to Grow Mushrooms Indoors

How to Grow Mushrooms Indoors


Mushrooms are not only tasty. They are also filled with healthy nutrients, like calcium and potassium, and vitamins, like D and B.

Some people not only enjoy eating mushrooms. They also like to collect them in the wild. But that is not for everyone. While some people are knowledgeable enough to collect mushrooms in the woods and eat them, many people are not. Eating the wrong mushroom can make you sick or even … dead.

Therefore, buying them is the easier and safer choice. However, there is another one: You can grow mushrooms yourself inside your own home.

In a recent article for The Associated Press, plant expert Jessica Damiano explains there are two ways to do this. You can buy a set of materials from a garden store called a “grow kit” or you can put them together yourself.

