Grow Cutting Garden for Flowers Indoors All Season Long

Grow Cutting Garden for Flowers Indoors All Season Long


Almost every flower can be cut and enjoyed indoors. But growing a cutting garden of flowers takes some planning.

几乎所有的花都可以在室内修剪和欣赏。 但是种植切花花园需要一些规划。

Jessica Damiano writes about gardening for The Associated Press. Damiano says that she cuts lilacs to bring indoors for their scent in the spring. And hydrangeas and roses make it indoors on her dining room table for the summer.

杰西卡·达米亚诺为美联社撰写有关园艺的文章。 达米亚诺说,她会在春天剪下紫丁香带到室内,以获取它们的香味。 夏天,她的餐桌上还摆满了绣球花和玫瑰花。

The first step, Damiano says, is to think about flowers as a crop to be harvested. Just as some tomatoes are better for use in sauces, some flowers are better for cutting and showing than others.

达米亚诺说,第一步是将花卉视为要收获的农作物。 正如有些西红柿更适合用于酱汁一样,有些花比其他花更适合切割和展示。

Flowers that do not grow tall nor bloom are not the best to show indoors. Damiano says to look for this information in seed catalogs. The descriptions often include whether specific kinds of flowers, from perennials, annuals or tender perennials, work well for cutting and showing.

不长高、不开花的花朵不适合在室内展示。 达米亚诺说要在种子目录中查找这些信息。 描述通常包括特定种类的花卉(多年生植物、一年生植物或嫩多年生植物)是否适合切花和展示。

Perennials are plants that flower for more than one year. Some flower for just two or three weeks, while others flower repeatedly. And they usually flower in their second year, but sometimes third.

多年生植物是开花时间超过一年的植物。 有些花只开花两到三周,而另一些则反复开花。 它们通常在第二年开花,但有时在第三年开花。

Annuals are plants that live for just one year. But they usually produce more flowers during the growing season.

一年生植物是指只能存活一年的植物。 但它们通常在生长季节会产生更多的花朵。

Tender perennials are perennials in the sense that they live for more than one year. But, they are usually grown as annuals because some do not dependably return and some cannot survive winters.

嫩多年生植物是多年生植物,因为它们的寿命超过一年。 但是,它们通常作为一年生植物种植,因为有些不能可靠地回归,有些无法过冬。

To ensure a continual supply of flowers for cutting, Damiano says to plant seeds or young plants every two weeks.


Annuals that are good for cutting include cosmos, globe amaranth, larkspur, and Queen Anne’s lace. Perennials to grow and cut include bee balm, coneflower, fox glove, lily, and rose. Tender perennials that work well for cutting include California poppy, snapdragon, and strawflower.

适合切割的一年生植物包括波斯菊、球苋菜、飞燕草和安妮女王花边植物。 可供种植和采伐的多年生植物包括蜂香、金光菊、狐手套、百合和玫瑰。 适合切割的嫩多年生植物包括加州罂粟、金鱼草和稻草花。

Both annuals and perennials can be grown in the ground, in raised beds, or even in containers. If you have enough room, growing them in separate beds will simplify yearly planting. But it is not necessary. If you are short on space, plant where you can.

一年生植物和多年生植物都可以在地面、高架苗床甚至容器中种植。 如果你有足够的空间,将它们种植在单独的床上将简化每年的种植。 但这是没有必要的。 如果空间有限,就在可以种植的地方种植。

Most flowers need fertile, well-draining soil, repeated watering, and at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day. You can use plants bought from a garden center, start your own from seed indoors, or plant seeds directly into the garden.

大多数花卉需要肥沃、排水良好的土壤、反复浇水以及每天至少六到八小时的直射阳光。 您可以使用从园艺中心购买的植物,在室内从种子开始自己种植,或直接将种子种植到花园中。

Add a large amount of compost into planting holes to provide nutrients to the plants. If you’re planning ahead, top the soil with five to eight centimeters of compost in the fall, and the bed will be highly fertile by spring.

在种植穴中添加大量堆肥,为植物提供养分。 如果您提前计划,请在秋天在土壤上撒上五到八厘米的堆肥,到春天时床层就会变得非常肥沃。

Beds should not be much wider than a meter. This will help to keep your harvests within easy reach from all sides. When planting, place the tallest flowers at the backside of the bed, middle-sized plants in the center, and smaller plants in the front so that all are easy to get to.

床的宽度不应超过一米。 这将有助于让您的收获物从四面八方都能轻松到达。 种植时,将最高的花朵放在花坛的背面,中等大小的植物放在中间,较小的植物放在前面,以便所有植物都可以轻松到达。

Be sure to follow directions for plants on how much space they need to understand their full-grown size. Plants that do not have enough space often become diseased plants.

请务必遵循植物的说明,了解它们需要多少空间才能了解其完全生长的尺寸。 没有足够空间的植物经常会变成患病植物。

After planting, add a balanced, slow-release fertilizer and five to eight centimeters of mulch, then water well. If you are planting seeds directly into the garden, fertilize and mulch when the growing plants are 10 centimeters tall.

种植后,添加平衡的缓释肥料和五至八厘米的覆盖物,然后浇水。 如果您将种子直接种植到花园中,请在生长的植物长到 10 厘米高时施肥和覆盖。

Beginning three weeks after planting, add a liquid flower fertilizer that is low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus. And repeat every two weeks.

从种植后三周开始,添加低氮高磷的液体花肥。 并且每两周重复一次。

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