09 The spy(4)

09 The spy(4)


  'I bring bad news, Carton said to Mr Lorry. 'Darnay has been arrested again. '
  'But I was with him only two hours ago, 'cried Mr Lorry.
  'He was safe and free!'
  'Even so, he has been arrested and taken to the Conciergerie. And I'm not sure that Dr Manette's good name can save him this time. So we must have Mr Barsad's help. '
  'I will not help you, 'said Solomon Pross, called John Barsad.
  'Oh, I think you will, 'said Sydney Carton, 'when you hear what I could say about you. Let's think. Mr Barsad is a spy, and a prison guard, but he used to be a spy in England. Is he still paid by the English'
  'No one will listen to you, 'said Barsad.
  'But I can say more, Mr Barsad, 'replied Carton.

  “哦,我想你会的。”西得尼•卡登说。“当你听我说了关于你的事后。让我们想一想,巴萨德先生是个间谍,也是一个监狱看守,但他在英国曾做过间谍。他现在是否还被英国人雇佣呢 ”

