


Elementary ‐Advanced ‐ Investing in Emerging Markets (E0029) 

A: Dad, I’d like to borrow some money. 

B: Sure, Johnny, how much do you need? five bucks? 

A: Come on, Dad, I need thirty thousand. I wanna get into the market. You know, I’m tired of hearing all this news about the economic downturn, the inevitable recession, people stuffing their money in their mattresses. I look at this as an opportunity. This is a chance for me to get a jump start on building my nest egg. 

B: I don’t know about that; with all the uncertainty in the markets right now, it would be a very unwise decision to invest. I don’t know if you’re aware son, but there has been a lot of turmoil in the markets recently. There have already been half a million layoffs in the last few months, and we have no idea how the proposed stimulus package will impact the economy. There’s just too much instability. I wouldn’t feel comfortable investing in this climate. 

A: But look at it this way, every challenge is an opportunity. And anyway, I’m not talking about investing in the domestic market. There are emerging markets that promise great returns. Look at China, for example; they have 1.4 billion people, half a billion of whom have recently entered the middle class. Here alone, the aggregate demand for consumer goods rePresents an amazing wealth generating opportunity. 

B: Come on, son, you’re looking at this too naively, the Chinese market has exhibited a great deal of instability, and their currency has been devalued by almost a whole percentage point. 

A: Fine, then! If that’s the way you feel, so be it. But you’re losing out on a great opportunity here. I’m going to go hit up Mum for the cash. 

  • 巴扎嘿h

    开头:爸,给我点钱 结尾:那我去跟妈要

  • 楚公子_3s


  • 1848450kisw


    BiancoY 回复 @1848450kisw: 非常不喜欢跟这种人说话😹

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    李雷呀韩梅梅 回复 @1362173kmjf: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

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