哈哈,果然是上一次的续集,下次是不是该get married了。
③ make it up to you: balance sth. bad you did with some good action I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. How do I make it up to you? I feel terrible for calling your mother fat; I wanna make it up to her, so I got her these flowers.
a doomed marriage注定失败的婚姻
A twist of fate is an unplanned event that has a big impact on your future or your life.
② pick me up: come and get me My husband was supposed to pick me up from work yesterday, but he forgot. Oh. I need to hurry up; the taxi will pick me up at 7. ordinary: normal/common an ordinary person/day/life/podcast
① relieved: the happy or relaxed feelong that you get if you avoid sth. bad They were relieved to hear that the company would not be making any layoffs. I was so relieved to hear your voice; I was worried something happened to you. I'm so relieved that didn't happen.