


Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ Christmas Chronicles I (C0019) 

A: I hate working on Christmas Eve! Whoa! Get a load of this guy! Come in central, I think we’ve got ourselves a situation here. 

B: License and registration please. Have you been drinking tonight, sir? 

A: I had one or two glasses of eggnog, but nothing else. 

B: Step out of the vehicle, please. Sir, what do you have in the back? 

A: Just a few Christmas gifts, ’tis the season, after all! 

B: Don’t take that tone with me. Do you have an invoice for these items? 

A: Umm...no...I make these in my workshop in the North Pole! 

B: You are under arrest, sir. You have the right to remain silent. You better not pout, you better not cry. Anything you say can and will be used against you. You have the right to an attorney; if you cannot afford one, the state will appoint 

A: You can’t take me to jail! What about my sleigh? It’s Christmas Eve! I have Presents to deliver! Rudolph! Prancer! Dancer! Get help! 

  • 萌萌Q小可爱

    if you cannot afford one, the state will appoint one for you. Do you understand these rights that have just been read to you?这一部分文本没有

    周永强_2s 回复 @萌萌Q小可爱: 谢谢!

  • 1892108uavo

    我也没搞懂那个警察说的:Come in central. 盼解答。先谢了!

    1362173kmjf 回复 @1892108uavo: 感觉应该是:把车开到中心地带去

  • 妮妮nini妈妈讲故事


    佳儿_yz 回复 @妮妮nini妈妈讲故事: 因为东西没有发票 没有invoice

  • 俣恪


  • 1330422dytv


  • 嘿Hailey

    Just a few Christmas gifts, ’tis the season, after all! 后半句 tis开始的 是什么意思呢

  • 听友197004639

    the state will appoint one for you. 不知道对不对

    1362173kmjf 回复 @听友197004639: 我觉得也可以这么说。

  • Janice_Liang

    March 20, 2021

  • 超级个体的诞生

    at the north pole 在北极