


Elementary ‐ Upper‐Intermediate ‐ Protest! (D0018) 

A: This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O’Connell reporting live from Washington, D. C. where a protest has broken out. Thousands of angry citizens are protesting against the proposed bailout of the auto manufacturing industry! Sir, sir, Sarah O’Connell, Action 5 news. Can you tell us what’s happening? 

B: Yeah, yeah, we’re here because we feel this is an injustice! The financial irresponsibility of big business has to stop! We’re there to show the government that we don’t like the way that they’re spending our tax dollars! 

A: Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry? 

B: It’s an absolute outrage, Sarah, the US government wants to give 25 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money to the auto industry. These are companies that have been mismanaged and are now nearly bankrupt. 

A: I see. But, many supporters of the bailout argue that it could help save the jobs of millions of hardworking Americans. 

B: That maybe true, and I for one don’t want to see anyone lose their job, but how can these CEOs ask for a bailout when they’re making millions of dollars? And then, they have the nerve to fly to Washington in private jets! This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars! And they’re asking for money! That is just not right! 

A: Good point. This is Sarah O’Connell reporting live 

from Washington D. C., back to you, Tom. 

  • Fried_eggs

    Protest: We are organizing a protest this weekend against the tax increase. Bailout: If the government doesn't give a bailout to the auto manufacturing industry, all the factories will close. Break out: Officials are warning that a war could break out between Andorra and Samoa. Injustice: you are not going to give me this job because I'm a woman? That is an injustice. outrage: The death of millions of starving children is an outrage. mismanage: Bob, you really mismanaged this project. Have the nerve: I've been in love with you since the third grade, but I didn't have the nerve to tell you.

  • Fried_eggs

    An event where people gather together to show disapproval or something: Protest. Start suddenly: breakout. The act of saving a company from money problems: bailout. An unfair situation: injustice. something that is morally wrong: outrage. Manage badly: mismanage. dare to: have the nerve.

    Crazy__Fancy 回复 @Fried_eggs: 看了你写的才明白了,多谢啦

  • 1851380karx

    ② We're organizing a protest this weekend against the tax increase. If the government doesn't give a bailout to the auto manufacturing industry, all the factories will close. Officials are warning that a war could break out between Andorra and Samoa.

  • 我是雷峰家


  • 1851380karx

    ③ You're not going to give me this job, because I'm a woman. That is an injustice. The death of millions of starving children is an outrage. Bob, you really mismanage the project. I've been in love with you since the third grade, but I didn't have the nerve to tell you.

  • 1851380karx

    ① an event where people gather together to show disapproval of sth. →protest start suddenly→break out the act for saving the company for money problems→bailout an unfair situation→injustice sth. that is morally wrong→outrage manage badly→mismanage dare to→have the nerve

  • 屠鸭小王子


  • 彗星的梦


  • Lassiezbb


  • 1814802zuuj


    Tel客 回复 @1814802zuuj: so 呵呵