Chapter 3 家庭争执 讲义

Chapter 3 家庭争执 讲义


Chapter 3 Family Quarrels

The next day Mrs Tulliver took Maggie, Tom and Lucyto visit the Pullets. Mr Pullet was a wealthy gentlemanfarmer and his farm was very neat and well-kept.The children always enjoyed visiting the farm because there were lots ofinteresting animals for them to play with. The large house was extremely cleanand tidy too. In fact, Aunt Pullet was terrified of dirt and most of the floorsand furniture had permanentcovers over them tokeep them clean. The children were soon sent outside to play.

wealthy /ˈwelθi/ adj. 富裕的,富有的

neat /niːt/ adj. 整齐的,整洁的

They sat in her neat andtidy kitchen. 他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。

well-kept /ˌwel ˈkept/ adj. (建筑、街道或花园)保持整洁的

She has a small well-kept apartment. 她有一个整洁的小公寓。

permanent /ˈpɜːmənənt/ adj. 长久的,永久的

“Make sure you stay on the paths,” cried AuntPullet. “Don’t go into the fields and get dirty!” When the children had gone,the conversation turned to yesterday’s quarrel withAunt Glegg.

quarrel /ˈkwɒrəl/ n. 争吵,吵架

I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers. 我和其他几个兄弟大吵了一架。

“I’m so worried that Jane is offended,” confessedMrs Tulliver. “Can’t you speak to her about it, Sister, and ask her to make up with myhusband?”

make up with 与……和好

make up for sth 对……进行弥补

make up 组成,补足,化妆,编造

She is coming to make up with you. 她是来与你和好的。

“Your husband always was obstinate,Bessy,” said Aunt Pullet.

obstinate /ˈɒbstɪnət/ adj. 倔强的,顽固的

“And when he dies, I don’t suppose he’ll have anymoney to leave you. He has his sister and all her children to maintain,and he’s always spending money on those lawsuits. I feel sorry for you,Bessy. It will all end badly, I’m sure.”

maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ v. 扶养,供养

Her income was barely enough to maintain onechild, let alone three. 她的收入养活一个孩子几乎都不够,更不用说三个了。

feel sorry for 为……感到可惜

I feel sorry for him. 我为他感到可惜。

Mrs Tulliver had started to cry, and Aunt Pulletsoftened towards her. “I suppose I could drive over tomorrow and speak toJane,” she said. “After all, we don’t want other people saying that we havequarrels in our family.”

At that moment, the door opened and Lucy appeared,crying desperately, one side of her white dress and bonnetcompletelycovered in mud. Aunt Pullet began to panic at the entrance of allthis dirt into her house, while Mrs Tulliver, certain that her children were toblame, ran outside to find them.

bonnet /ˈbɒnɪt/ n. 软帽

Look here, I havebought this bonnet. 瞧,我买了这顶帽子。

mud /mʌd/ n. 污泥,泥

What the women didn’t know was that Maggie and Tomhad quarrelled earlier. Tom had made Maggie jealous by paying attention toLucy. He had taken Lucy to look at the fish in the pond.He told Maggie to go away and, overcome with jealousy,she had angrily pushed Lucy into the mud.

pond /pɒnd/ n. 池塘

jealousy /ˈdʒeləsi/ n. 嫉妒

Her beauty causes envy and jealousy. 她的美丽招人妒羡。

Maggie decided then to run away. She was going togo and live with the gypsies. After all, everyone always said that she was likea gypsy, so she reasoned that she should go and live with her true family.After a long walk, she found what she was looking for – a group of gypsy womencooking around a fire in a field. It was certainly true that they looked likeher – they were very dark and had long, untidy hair. Maggie announced to thegypsy women that she had come to live with them, that she could teach themthings and even become their queen if they wanted. The women were polite toher, called her “little lady” and asked if she came from a big house. Maggiewas pleased by this, but when she asked for something to eat and they gave heronly a piece of old bread and some bacon, she began to wish she was at home.When the gypsy men arrived andinspected the contentsof her pockets, she started to feel afraid. The men asked her where she lived,and said that they would take her home if she would say that they had been kindto her. One of the men sat her on a donkey in front of him andthey set off down thelane. It wasdark now and Maggie was terrified.

inspect /ɪnˈspekt/ v. 检查,检验

Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field. 伊莱恩到外边去检查运动场。

donkey /ˈdɒŋki/ n. 驴

set off 出发,动身

lane /leɪn/ n. (乡间)小路,小巷

Then she spotted herfather approaching them on his horse. With a cry ofhappiness she jumped off the donkey and ran to him. Mr Tulliver hugged her.

spot /spɒt/ v. 看见,认出

on the spot 当场,当下

approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ v.  (在距离或时间上)靠近,接近

He didn't approach the front door at once. 他没有立即走近前门。

hug /hʌɡ/ v. 拥抱

“What would I do if I lost my little girl?” heasked her.

The next day Aunt Pullet went to Aunt Glegg’s houseto try to make peace. Aunt Glegg had already repented ofher hard words to her brother-in-law and had decided not to insist onrepayment, but that evening she received a proud letter from Mr Tulliverassuring her that she could have her £500 as soon as possible. Aunt Glegg andthe others knew that this meant Tulliver would have to borrow the money torepay her and get himself into even more debt. The aunts marvelled athis obstinacy and pride. Aunt Glegg could not help her sister now, even if shewanted to. Tulliver had out-manoeuvredher.

repent /rɪˈpent/ v. 后悔

repent of... 后悔…… 

She had repented of what she had done. 她对自己所做的事深感懊悔。

marvel /ˈmɑːvl/ v. 感到吃惊

marvel at 对……感到吃惊

They marveled at her decision. 他们对她的决定感到吃惊。

out-manoeuvre /ˌaʊtməˈnuːvə(r)/ v. 比……高明,比……技高一筹






伊丽莎白•芭瑞特•伯朗宁(1806-61)因病一生大部分时间不得不局限在家里活动,但这并不妨碍她以女作家和翻译家的身份而受人尊敬。她的诗集很受维多利亚时期人们的喜欢, 1845年她与另一位著名诗人罗伯特•伯朗宁开始书信往来,他也欣赏她的诗作。鸿雁传书最终使他们坠入爱河,但因为罗伯特•伯朗宁比她小六岁,伊丽莎白的父亲强烈反对他们的爱情,更不准他们结婚。1846年,他们私奔到意大利弗罗伦萨,在那里,伊丽莎白的健康状况明显好转,实际上她在43岁时,还娩下一子。伊丽莎白余生都是在意大利度过的,为支持意大利统一运动和女权主义而进行诗歌创作。



Reported Questions (转述疑问句)


比如:My friend said, "I'm very busy." 我朋友说:“我很忙”,这句话中“我很忙”就是直接引语,而 My friend said she was very busy. 我的朋友说她很忙。“她很忙”就是间接引语。



He said, "I am visiting my aunt next week." → He said that he wasvisiting his aunt next week.

He said to me, "You are hard-working." → He told me that I washard-working.

His mother said to me, "He can't go to school." → His mother told methat he couldn't go to school.





Theteacher said to us, "Light travels faster than sound." → The teachertold us that Light travels faster than sound.

